Our staff are very experienced in undertaking Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) roles, providing essential ecological advice and assistance, predicting certain ecological scenarios and advising on measures to reduce downtime on developments thus saving both time and money. The ECoW can also be responsible for undertaking surveys to discharge planning conditions such as a pre-start badger survey. Our ecologists hold ‘Professionally Qualified Persons’ Construction Skills Certification Scheme cards (CSCS) and have attended the CIEEM Ecological Clerk of Works and the Conflict Resolution training courses. FALCO Ecology can provide:
- Production and delivery of Ecological Toolbox Talks for all construction staff and use of digital material for Site Inductions;
- Assistance with the production of Environmental Control Plans;
- Provision of Ecological Constraints Plans;
- Attendance at site meetings providing ecological input;
- Undertaking aerial tree inspections for roosting bats prior to tree felling;
- Supervision of all groundworks;
- Nest finding and monitoring with high definition thermal imaging technology;
- Provision of protected species mitigation plans;
- Pre-construction Badger surveys and monitoring using trail cameras and thermal imaging;
- Red Squirrel drey finding and monitoring; and
- Hand searches for reptiles and amphibians.