Preliminary Ecological Appraisal


A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) is often the first ecological survey undertaken on a site as part of a planning application. The aims of a PEA is to identify the presence or likely presence of protected species and important habitats. The various habitats of your site are digitally mapped using QGIS and follow the methodology described in the JNCC Handbook for Phase 1 Habitat Survey.

As part of the report, a desktop study search is undertaken which includes gaining ecological data from Magic Maps, the local ecological records centre and depending on your site, local bat groups will be consulted for local bat records.

The report will include recommendations for further ecological surveys to determine the presence or absence of protected species.

As a PEA is an initial ecological survey, it is vital to commission one for your project as the earliest point to ensure that any potential ecological constraints do not delay your planning application.

Our PEA reports confirm to the CIEEM Guidelines for Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and BS42020:2013 standards.

To book your Preliminary Ecological Appraisal please call us on 07928 040 460